August 30, 2011


I really want to post that classic song up by the Clipse, but I decided that I'll keep it clean on here because the grinding that I mean isn't the "grinding" that they were rappin' about. haha...But, if you need a fix I'll direct you to the site that has no problem sharing it! Please be warned, it's not safe for work so keep the volume on low or use headphones...

Anyway, so I just got back from vacation (**sadness**) and I must say that I have come back with a new resolve. I have hit on 9 out of 10 goals that I've set for this year but I think that I need to take those goals to the next level. The first thing though: I have a ton of classwork that I need to catch up on! haha...Not always fun but it's necessary. So tonight I will definitely be grinding on that.

Coming back refreshed and refocused had me thinking about what it is that truly gets me in "grinding" mode. I've been able to get a lot done over time, but have had tremendous trouble with consistency. Isn't this a typical problem for some of us that call ourselves artists? I've just accepted that this will probably always be something that I struggle with, haha. However, I think it's just as important to know what that thing is that gets you back on track and motivated. For me it's a combination of an internal need to live up to my potential and having good people around that encourage me and hold me accountable. Sometimes it also helps me to see what other people are doing with their talents.

What's that thing that gets you motivated to work towards your goals? Is it as simple as a "Hang in there, baby?" poster?

Or are you someone that needs a more hands-on approach?

Which one are you??

Really think about it! It's good to know because then you can start to make conscious efforts to keep whatever "it" is around to help push yourself. The sooner you figure it out the better!

That was just something that was on my mind today as I am about to start getting caught up on my homework and get more stuff to show you on the blog. Don't be afraid to take that next step towards what you want to do!

August 28, 2011

Checking in!

Shout out to all my east coast people (if you have power and are able to read this)! I literally feel like I'm in another world right now because I was able to dodge the crazy tropical storm. Really hoping that there's something left for me to come back home to!

Today is my last full day out here on the west coast **tear**, but I can't wait to come back and share a couple of the things that I've seen and experienced out here. I think I've been able to gather at least a few blog posts already based on what's happened. :) So assuming I have power when I get back home, lol, I'll be able to share some pictures and thoughts very soon!

August 24, 2011

LA bound!

Ahh...vacation time has crept up on me so I will be out for a a little while. :(  But I hope to come back with lots of good stuff for ya! :) I'm off visit a very lovely, wonderful, AMAZING friend in California and I can't wait. She also has a blog about her lifestyle as a recently transitioned vegan, it's called Vegan, What?. Please check it out! You'd be surprised at the options that she's found so far. And if you're wondering, yes I will be eating all vegan options with her while I'm there. I know...I know. It's definitely not my normal thing (I made Wendys run that I made at 10:30 pm last night because I just HAD to have a spicy chicken sandwich), but hey, when in Rome right? I will be sure to Tweet it up though! As much as I can at least, haha. If I get a chance I might sneak in a blog post or two as well. :) And I shall return with pictures and a recap of the overall trip. Stay cool ya'll!

August 20, 2011

So Much for Some Kid Art...

I had my niece over recently, and I thought that we would be able to get in some artistic/creative time together...Hmm yeah, so much for that. I put this picture up of her because it pretty much says it all. She was not blocking the sun from her eyes either, although I know that it looks like she is! Didn't want to do take a picture for me and didn't want to make any artwork. The most that we made together was a batch of sugar cookies (which were delicious!). However, I did find out that she likes to draw hearts, stars and people. I might be rubbing off on her after all! You see the big hair she's rockin', right?! Baby steps.